Friday, October 16

Flexi stu & Loren

Flxistu & Loren

“Flexy” has featured in, choreographed & directed film and stage numbers all over the world, building an intense and inquisitive choreographic style. Neo Classically trained at Ballet Rambert School between 1997-2000, young Flexy then decided to focus his talents on perfecting his first love of the street and hiphop dance styles. He exudes a mad joy for life in all its beauty & blemishes, and revels in the art of dance to explore the world with a raw honesty. Flexy resides with partner L between

Washington DC - London UK

Whatch Flexi's steps in vodapone add


“L”gained her degree in Dance and Kinesology at George Mason University DC. where she delve into the study of yoga and mindbody studies. Then relocated to California where she furthered her study of the American Street dances, and trained in Contortion and Chinese Acrobatics at the San Francisco School of Circus Arts. Recently Loren has mentored a variety of International clients including Bollywood stars, such as Sameera Reddy and Hrithik Roshan, and hopes to spread her love of world dance and connect people through movement and music.

Whatch Some Videos of there choreograpy songs & adds
1.Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya Shooting      
          Click to Whatch Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya shooting
2.Vaaranam Ayiram
          Click to whatch varanam ayiram adiye kolluthe shooting
          varanm Ayiram Behind scencs

         Varanam Ayiram Behind Scencs

3. Preparing Hrithik & Kangana For magic Movments
       Preparing Hirithik & Kangana

Upcoming Projests

1)  Ooh sana       Song By Ar.Rahman
Romantic interlude with Simbu and Trisha Shoot in the Malta island.Choreographed by Flexi stu

2)Omanep penne  Song By Ar Rahman
Romantic interlude with Simbu and Trisha Shoot in the Malta island.Choreographed by Flexi stu



  1. Thank u loren ,for let me know correct name...

  2. No problem shi-live:))) thanks for the shout out on your blog!

    keep dancin and dreamin,

